An Interruption in Time 1999. A Chronicle of Life and Death is a powerful chronicle of a family’s struggle after a toxic illness claimed the well-being of her husband in the prime of his young adult life. It all started the year after they were married. Best Selling Author, Tai Thomas is refreshingly candid about her emotions for nearly eight months while an extreme health crisis plagued Vince's body like no other. It challenged them emotionally, spiritually and physically. The continuous intermingling of struggles and triumphs that they endured on a daily basis would test their love, strength and purpose for one another. This is their story.
An Interruption in Time 1999. A Chronicle of Life and Death
"An Interruption in Time 1999. A Chronicle of Life and Death is a powerful chronicle of a family’s struggle after a toxic illness claimed the well-being of her husband in the prime of his young adult life. It all started the year after they were married. Tai Thomas is refreshingly candid about her emotions for nearly eight months while an extreme health crisis plagued Vince's body like no other. It challenged them emotionally, spiritually and physically."
The continuous intermingling of struggles and triumphs that I endured while simultaneously taking care of my husband on a daily basis would test our love, strength, and purpose for one another.
This is My Story.
The continuous intermingling of struggles and triumphs that I endured while simultaneously taking care of my husband on a daily basis would test our love, strength, and purpose for one another.
This is My Story.